
Early Tee Times: Maximizing Morning Rounds
⦁ 14 min read
Brooke Brooke

Early Tee Times: Maximizing Morning Rounds

Securing early tee times offers numerous benefits for golf enthusiasts looking to enjoy their game in the best conditions possible. Here’s a concise overview of what you need to know:

  • Benefits of Early Tee Times: Playing early means less crowded courses, cooler temperatures, faster play, and prime course conditions.
  • Strategies for Securing Early Times: Utilize services like Guarantee Time and prepare the night before to ensure a smooth morning.
  • Morning Routine Recommendations: Wake up early, do some light stretching or jogging, and eat a nutritious breakfast.
  • On-Course Warm-Up: A proper warm-up, like the 6-ball drill, prepares your body and mind for the game.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Be ready for morning dew, chilly temperatures, and potential stiffness with the right gear and preparations.
  • Enjoying the Serenity: Appreciate the quiet, the wildlife, and the beauty of the course in the morning.

Remember, planning ahead and making the most of the peaceful morning settings can significantly enhance your golfing experience.

Less Crowded Course

One of the biggest benefits of playing golf early is that the course isn't as busy. This means you don't have to wait as much for other groups, and you won't feel rushed. You can take your time with each shot.

Cooler Temperatures

Early mornings are usually cooler, which is nice because you won't get too hot. This means you won't get as tired as you might in the hotter part of the day.

Potential for Faster Play

With fewer people and nicer weather, you can move through the course faster. You might even finish your game 30 minutes quicker than if you played later in the day. This means you can enjoy your game without spending all day on the course.

Well-Groomed Conditions

The people who take care of the course do their work early in the morning. So, if you play early, the grass will be neat, the sand smooth, and the greens fast. It's the best time to play if you like the course to be in good shape.

More Birdie Opportunities

The wind is usually calmer in the morning, which can help you play better. You might find it easier to get the ball closer to the hole or make more putts.

Getting an early tee time through Guarantee Time means you can enjoy these benefits without the hassle. You don't have to call at the last minute; you can book your spot ahead of time. This makes it easy to enjoy your game in the morning whenever you want.

Strategies for Securing Early Tee Times

Using Technology to Your Advantage

Guarantee Time helps you book early morning tee times easily so you can get all the good stuff from playing early.

Here's how it helps you book early:

  • Instant booking - Lets you lock in your early time slot quickly without having to wait.
  • Continuous booking - Sends you notifications if an early slot opens up. This way, you can book it first.
  • Wide course selection - Lets you choose early times at many courses, from public ones to private clubs. You're not stuck with just a few choices.
  • ChronoGolf integration - This feature combines Guarantee Time with ChronoGolf, giving you even more early tee times to pick from.

Booking for the early morning is now easy and hassle-free. The tech does the tough part, so you can just think about enjoying your game!

Preparing the Night Before

To get ready for your early game after you've booked your time, do these things the night before:

  • Put out your golf clothes and gear so you're all set to go in the morning. This way, you won't rush or forget anything.
  • Check the weather forecast. Mornings can be chilly, even on warm days, so see if you need extra clothes.
  • Sleep early so you're not tired. Set a couple of alarms just in case.
  • Think about how long it'll take to get to the course and leave early enough. Having extra time means you won't have to rush.
  • Pack some healthy snacks and water to keep you going.

Doing these small things the night before means you can wake up, get ready, and head out without any stress. Now, you're all set to enjoy the course first thing in the morning!

Morning Routine Recommendations

Getting ready for an early morning golf game means preparing your body. Here are some simple tips on what to do before hitting the course:

Wake Up Early

  • Set your alarm so you have 1.5-2 hours before you need to leave. This stops you from rushing.
  • Eat something light like yogurt, fruit, or oatmeal right after waking up. It gives you a bit of energy.
  • Drink water or herbal tea to start getting hydrated. It helps your body get ready for activity.

Get Your Body Moving

  • Try some easy stretches or yoga to warm up your muscles.
  • A quick 10-15 minute walk or jog can get your heart going and blood moving.
  • Tiger Woods likes to jog or use the treadmill in the morning to keep his muscles loose.

Fuel Up

  • Eat foods like eggs, oatmeal, or peanut butter toast about an hour before you start. They give you long-lasting energy.
  • Keep drinking water or maybe coconut water to stay hydrated.
  • Stay away from heavy foods that can make you feel slow because your body is busy digesting them.

Warm Up Gradually

  • Begin with easy swings using clubs with more loft and slowly move to clubs with less loft.
  • Increase your swing bit by bit to warm up your muscles without overdoing it.
  • Spend some time putting on the green to get a feel for it before you start.
  • Think about the first few holes you'll play - imagine your shots and which clubs you'll use. It gets you in the right mindset.

Getting both your body and mind ready is important for a good game in the morning. Try different things to see what suits you best. The main thing is not to rush and give yourself enough time to warm up properly. Then you'll be all set to enjoy the cool, calm morning on the course.

On-Course Morning Warm-Up

The Importance of a Proper Warm-Up

Warming up before you play golf early in the morning is super important for a few reasons:

  • Prevent injury: In the morning, your muscles can be tight and cold, making it easier to hurt yourself. A good warm-up makes your muscles loose and warm, which means you're less likely to get injured.

  • Enhance flexibility: When your muscles are tight, you can't move as freely. Warming up makes you more flexible so you can swing better and hit the ball harder.

  • Improve accuracy: If your muscles are stiff, it's harder to hit the ball where you want it to go. Warming up helps you get your swing just right for more precise shots.

  • Increase distance: Warming up gets your muscles ready to move, which means you can swing faster and hit the ball further.

Spending just 5-10 minutes warming up gets your body ready to play. This helps you move better and hit your shots more accurately.

Efficient Warm-Up Routines

Here's a simple way to warm up called the 6-ball drill. You'll use 5 different clubs and hit 6 balls with each one. Here's how it goes:

  1. Wedge: Start with your sand wedge and hit 6 balls. Focus on making good contact and getting the distance right. Slowly start swinging fuller.

  2. 9-iron: Next, use your 9-iron. Hit 6 balls, this time adding a bit of body turn while keeping control.

  3. 7-iron: Now, with your 7-iron, hit 6 balls. Turn through the shot more and start shifting your weight as you hit the ball solidly.

  4. 5-iron: Move to your 5-iron. Hit 6 balls, working on shifting your weight smoothly and finishing your swing for maximum distance.

  5. 3-wood: Finish up by hitting 6 balls with your 3-wood. Feel the full swing you need to get the ball flying high and far.

This drill starts with shorter clubs and moves to longer ones, gradually increasing your swing. After hitting 30 balls, you're ready to play without getting hurt!

You can change the drill to fit what you need. The main idea is to get your muscles ready for golf in a structured way. With this quick routine, you'll be warmed up and ready to go in just 10-15 minutes.


Overcoming Early Morning Golf Challenges

Playing golf early in the morning is awesome, but there are some challenges you might run into. Here's how to handle them so you can still have a great game.

Dealing with Morning Dew

The grass can be really wet from dew in the morning. Here's what you can do:

  • Use a bigger club - The wetness can make your ball not go as far. Choose a club that hits further than you normally would.
  • Play it safe - Try not to go for risky shots that need the ball to be perfectly dry. Use simpler shots instead.
  • Bring more towels - Have a few towels with you to dry off your clubs and balls. This helps you keep a good grip.
  • Wear waterproof shoes - Wet feet can make you slip. Shoes that keep water out and have good grips are best.

Battling the Chilly Temperatures

It can be pretty cold in the morning, so dressing right is important:

  • Dress in layers - Start with a layer that keeps you dry, add a warm layer, and then a layer that blocks the wind. You can take off layers if it gets warmer.
  • Use hand warmers - Small warmers in your pockets can keep your hands and body warm.
  • Try winter gloves - Gloves that keep out water and cold can help you hold onto your clubs better.
  • Wear something on your head - A hat or something that covers your ears keeps you warm and blocks the wind.

Overcoming Stiffness and Fatigue

Feeling stiff and sleepy in the morning can affect your game. Here's what can help:

  • Move around - Do some jogging and stretching for more than 10 minutes before you start to warm up.
  • Drink some coffee - Coffee can make you feel more awake and ready to play.
  • Eat something good - Foods like bananas or nuts give you energy that lasts.
  • Start easy - Use smaller clubs at first and swing gently to get loose.
  • Drink fluids - Having sports drinks can keep you from feeling tired. Drink a little throughout your game.

Getting used to playing golf in the morning might take a little time, but with these tips, you'll be set to enjoy all the good things about morning rounds.

Enjoying the Serenity of Morning Golf

Playing golf early in the morning, before everyone else shows up, is really peaceful. The course is quiet, the grass looks shiny with morning dew, and sometimes, you might see a light mist over the fairways. This calm setting can help you focus and relax, setting you up for a great game.

Appreciating the Quiet Course

With no noise from other players, you start to hear nature's sounds more - like birds singing, the wind in the trees, and frogs by the water. Take a moment to enjoy being out there almost by yourself.

Not having other groups around also means you can concentrate better on your game. You can think more about your shots, try different things, and not feel rushed. Plus, with fewer people watching, you might not feel as nervous.

Noticing the Morning Details

Take a second to look around and see how beautiful the course is in the morning. See how the sunlight makes the dew on the greens sparkle. Breathe in the fresh air that smells even better in the morning. Watch animals like deer and rabbits that are out early.

Remember how special it is to see the course like this. Let it motivate you to take care of the place and the game.

Achieving a Calm, Focused Mindset

The quiet of the morning is perfect for getting into a good mindset for golf.

With no one ahead to rush you, you can take your time. Think about each shot. Imagine where you want the ball to go. Clear your mind and then swing carefully.

The quiet helps you focus because there's less going on. Let the calm keep you in the now, not worrying about past or future shots. Just focus on the shot you're doing.

The beauty and peace of the morning can make your game better and more enjoyable. Let the calmness help you focus, improve your mood, and play better.


Getting an early tee time is a treat for golfers who like the quiet of the morning. This article talked about why it's great to play golf early - the course looks better, it's less busy, and you don't have to rush. But, getting these early spots means you need to plan ahead.

Using websites like Guarantee Time makes it easy to book early tee times. They let you book fast, tell you when new times are available, and give you lots of courses to choose from. This way, you can get the time you want without any trouble.

Before your game, do some prep work the night before and the morning of. Lay out your gear, eat the right food, and stretch your muscles. This gets you ready to play. Also, know how to deal with the morning's cold and wet conditions so they don't mess up your game.

And don't forget to enjoy the quiet morning on the course. Look around at the dewy grass, listen to the birds, and enjoy the calm. This quiet time helps you focus and enjoy your game even more.

With these tips, you can get those early tee times and really enjoy your morning golf rounds. It's all about planning ahead and making the most of the peaceful morning. So, wake up early and enjoy the best the course has to offer!

How do you play golf early in the morning?

To play golf early in the morning, follow these tips:

  • Get to the course early so you have time to stretch and warm up before starting.
  • Wear layers and waterproof shoes to stay warm and dry from the morning dew.
  • Eat light foods like bananas, yogurt, or oatmeal for energy.
  • Begin with short irons for practice swings, then move to longer clubs gradually.
  • Take your time to wake up and get into the game without rushing.

Warming up helps you avoid injuries, loosens your muscles, and ensures your shots are accurate from the beginning.

How early should you go to a tee time?

It's best to arrive at the golf course about 30 minutes before your tee time. This allows you to park, change, practice a bit, and reach the first tee without rushing.

Showing up only 20 minutes early might make you feel hurried. Having extra time helps you relax and prepare at your own pace.

What to do if you're late for a tee time?

If you're late:

  • Call the course to inform them.
  • Try to get there within 5 minutes of your tee time, or you might not be able to play.
  • Be ready to give up your spot if the next group is ready.
  • Say sorry to your playing partners.
  • Be prepared to skip practice to save time.

Always try to be on time, but if you're late, being polite and understanding helps.

How can I save money on tee times?

To save money on tee times:

  • Choose tee times during weekdays or late in the day when it's cheaper.
  • Look for last-minute cancellations for a deal.
  • Use apps or join loyalty programs for discounts.
  • Buy rounds in bulk for a lower price per game.
  • Check for special offers like free replays or meals.
  • Play at public, municipal, or nine-hole courses to cut costs.

These tips can help you play more golf without spending a lot.