
Tee Time Bot: How It Works
⦁ 13 min read
Brooke Brooke

Tee Time Bot: How It Works

Looking to snag the best tee times without constantly checking golf course websites? The Tee Time Bot is your automated solution, booking coveted slots at popular golf courses effortlessly. Here's a quick rundown of how it works:

  • Instant Bookings: Automatically grabs open tee times, putting you ahead of the competition.
  • Cancellation Alerts: Notifies you immediately about available slots due to cancellations.
  • Access Multiple Courses: Books tee times across various exclusive golf clubs.

This guide will walk you through setting up your account, defining your preferences, and activating your bot for hassle-free bookings. Plus, we'll cover managing your bot, advanced features for customization, and troubleshooting common issues. Whether you're a weekend warrior looking to hit the green early or a casual golfer seeking convenience, the Tee Time Bot simplifies your golfing experience.

Creating an Account

To start using the Tee Time Bot, first, you need to sign up. Head over to and click on "Sign Up" at the top right. Here's what you'll need to fill in:

  • Your full name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Your zip code

You'll also pick a password. Make sure it's strong by using a mix of uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

After you've filled everything out, agree to the terms of service and hit "Create Account". You'll get an email to confirm your address. Just click the link in that email, and you're ready to go!

Preferences Setup

Once your account is ready, you can tell the Tee Time Bot exactly what you're looking for. This way, it knows what tee times to book for you. Here's how to set your preferences:

  1. In your account, find and click on "Preferences"
  2. Pick the golf courses you like
    • You can choose more than one
  3. Tell it when you usually like to play
    • Like Saturday mornings, for example
  4. Add any other details you care about, such as:
    • How many people are playing
    • If you prefer walking or using a cart
    • If you like playing early or late
  5. Don't forget to click "Save Preferences" when you're done

That's it! Now, the Tee Time Bot will watch for openings that fit your choices and book them for you, especially those tough-to-get weekend spots. If your plans change, you can always go back and update your preferences to match your new schedule.

Understanding the Tee Time Bot

What is the Tee Time Bot?

The Tee Time Bot is like a super helper that books golf times for you. It watches golf courses all the time to see when you can play, based on what you like. If a spot opens up, it books it super fast, before anyone else can.

This means you can get those hard-to-get times on Saturday mornings or whenever you like to play, without having to keep checking the golf course websites yourself. Just tell the bot what you want once, and it does all the work for you.

How the Bot Works

Here's a simple step-by-step on how the Tee Time Bot helps you get your golf times:

  1. Preference Setup: You tell the bot which golf courses you like, when you want to play, how many people are playing, and other details. This lets the bot know what to look for.

  2. Continuous Availability Monitoring: The bot keeps an eye on the courses you like all the time, looking for times that match what you want, whether it's because someone canceled or a new time became available.

  3. Instant Booking Trigger: As soon as the bot finds a match, it books it right away using your payment info that's safely kept. This means you get the spot before anyone else does.

  4. User Notification: After booking, you get a message telling you all about your booked time, like the date, time, and place. If you need to, you can change or cancel it easily.

  5. Ongoing Alerts: Besides booking for you, the bot can also let you know when there's a spot that might interest you. This way, you can choose to book it yourself if you want.

In the end, you get to play golf when you want, without the hassle of finding and booking times yourself. The bot makes it easy by doing the searching and booking for you.

Booking Your Tee Time

Starting Your Bot

To get your Tee Time Bot up and running, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Sign in to your Guarantee Time account
  2. Go to the "My Bots" area
  3. Find the Tee Time Bot and click "Activate"
  4. Choose a subscription plan
    • "Basic" lets you have one active bot
    • "Pro" lets you have up to 5
    • "Ultra" lets you have as many as you want
  5. After activating, the bot starts looking for tee times that fit what you want

Now, the bot is working for you. It will let you know when it books a tee time that fits your preferences.

Selecting Tee Times

Here's how the bot books your tee time when it finds a good match:

  • It picks the best option based on your preferences, like when you want to play and where
  • If there are a few options, it chooses the one that fits your needs the best
  • You'll get a message with the details of the booking
  • You can check and change the booking if you need to

Check out this video tutorial for more on how the bot picks tee times.

Confirmation and Follow-Up

After your tee time is booked, here's what happens:

  • Right away, you get an email and text with the booking details
  • For 24 hours, you can change or cancel the booking without a problem
  • Reminder messages start 5 days before your tee time
  • If the weather's bad, you'll know about other times or days you can play

You can always check your bookings in your Guarantee Time account to make changes or cancel if you need to.

We hope this guide makes it easier for you to understand how to get your Tee Time Bot started and what to expect from the booking process. If you have any questions, just ask.

Managing Your Bot

Accessing and Managing Bots

To handle your Tee Time Bot, you can use the Guarantee Time website or their app.

On the Website

Just log in at Click on "My Bots" in the menu. There, you can:

  • Check how your bots are doing
  • Stop, start, or remove bots
  • Change what your bot is looking for
  • Look at your future and past bookings

On Mobile

Get the Guarantee Time app for iOS or Android. Once you're in:

  • Hit "My Bots" to tweak settings
  • Swipe to stop or start bots, or to delete them
  • Tap to change your bot's preferences
  • Check out your bookings

Both ways are pretty straightforward for managing your bots.

Pausing and Resuming Bots

Your Tee Time Bot doesn't know when you're not looking to play. Here's how to stop and start it again:


  • Sign in to Guarantee Time
  • Find your bot under "My Bots"
  • Hit "Pause"
  • Your bot will take a break from searching


  • When you're ready to play again, go back to "My Bots"
  • Find your paused bot
  • Hit "Resume"
  • Your bot will get back to work with the same settings

It's easy to pause your bot for the winter and start it up again when the season comes back.

Sharing and Copying Bots

If your friend wants to try your bot, you can share it. Or, make a copy to adjust it a bit.

Sharing Access

  • Under "My Bots", pick the bot you want to share
  • Click "Share Bot"
  • Put in your friend's email
  • They'll get a link to use your bot

Creating Copies

  • Choose a bot to copy in "My Bots"
  • Click "Create Copy"
  • A new, identical bot appears in your account
  • Rename and adjust the new bot as needed

This way, your friend can use your bot settings, or you can fine-tune a copy for different needs.


Advanced Features

Let's dive into some special options for those who really want to get the most out of their Tee Time Bot. These features let you tailor the bot more to your liking.

Bot Templates and Customization

The bot comes with ready-made setups for common needs, making it quicker to start:

  • Weekend early bird - Aims for tee times between 7-9 AM on weekends
  • Weeknight twilight - Looks for late afternoon slots on weekdays
  • Country club sampler - Searches across various top-notch courses

You can also tweak the bot's settings yourself, such as:

  • Choosing specific times to book, even to 15-minute precision
  • Only picking courses with good ratings, like 4 stars or more
  • Considering the usual weather for each month

These options help you make the bot search exactly how you want it to.

Running Bots Within Specific Time Frames

You can set when your bots are active to save on usage:

  1. Go to the bot's settings and find "Availability Windows"
  2. Pick the hours and days you want the bot to work
  3. If it's just for certain seasons, set a start and end date, like April to October
  4. Don't forget to save your changes

This way, your bot only looks for tee times when you tell it to.

Subscription Upgrades and Bot Limits

Depending on your subscription, you can have more bots:

  • Basic: 1 bot
  • Pro: Up to 5 bots
  • Ultra: As many as you want

Higher plans also give you:

  • Text message alerts
  • Access to better golf courses
  • Quicker bot responses

For more details, check the pricing page on the website.

With these advanced features like templates and time scheduling, you can customize your Tee Time Bot to fit exactly what you're looking for in your golfing adventures.


Common Issues

If your Tee Time Bot isn't working right, here are some quick fixes:

  • Bot doesn't start

    • Check if your payment information is up-to-date
    • Make sure you've turned on notifications in your settings
    • Try turning the bot off and on again
  • Not receiving notifications

    • Make sure your contact details are correct and without mistakes
    • Double-check that notifications are enabled in your settings
    • Choose how you want to be notified again, just in case
  • Booking errors

    • Someone else might have grabbed the spot before you
    • There could be a problem with your card, like it's expired or doesn't have enough money
    • Payment troubles can cause these errors

If these steps don't solve the problem, reach out to support through the app or website. They can look into what's going wrong with your specific situation.

Security and Data Safety

Keeping your information safe is really important to us. Here's how we do it:

  • We encrypt (or scramble) your bot activities and personal info to keep them safe
  • We use strong security measures for our cloud storage
  • We regularly check our security practices to make sure they're strong
  • We follow PCI and GDPR rules, which are guidelines to protect your data
  • We use 2-factor authentication, which is an extra step to make sure it's really you using the bot

Bots work based on the settings you choose. They won't make orders or handle payments without you saying it's okay.

If you have more questions or if something's bothering you, our team is here to help. You can always get in touch to sort out any issues or to talk about keeping your data safe.


The Tee Time Bot is here to help golf fans easily find and book early morning tee times during weekends. It keeps an eye on golf course slots for you and books them as soon as they're available.

Here's why it's helpful:

  • Convenience - Just tell the bot what you want once, and it takes care of finding and booking your golf times.
  • Speed - It books tee times really fast, so you get ahead of others who want the same time slot.
  • More options - You get to book times at special golf courses that are hard to get into.
  • Easy to change - You can adjust the bot's settings anytime if your plans change.

This tool is great for anyone who loves golf but doesn't have the time to keep checking for open tee times.

Looking ahead, Guarantee Time is planning to add more golf courses to its list and make it easier to book for groups. They're also working on a feature that lets you share your booked tee times with friends.

The goal is to keep making the bot better, so golfers can easily plan their games without it taking over their schedule.

How do you make a golf tee time with a bot?

Making a tee time with a bot is pretty straightforward. Here's how you do it:

  1. Sign up for an account on the Bot-It website.
  2. Choose a subscription plan that suits your needs.
  3. Pick the Appointment Template and fill in the details about when and where you want to play golf.
  4. You're all set!

How do you get a tee time on foretees?

To book a tee time using foretees, follow these steps:

  • Go to the "Tee Times" section and choose "Make, Change, or View Tee Times."
  • Click on the day you want to play.
  • Select the time slot you prefer and book it. Remember to check the server time to know when you can start booking.

What is the app that reserves tee times?

The GolfNow App is popular among golfers for booking tee times at various golf courses. It also includes a free GPS, scorekeeping, and analysis of your game.

What is tee off time in golf?

A tee off time in golf is a reserved slot when you start playing on a specific day at the golf course. You can book this time in advance through the golf course's website, by calling them, or in person.