
Tee Times Today: Last-Minute Deals
⦁ 10 min read
Brooke Brooke

Tee Times Today: Last-Minute Deals

Looking to hit the golf course without breaking the bank? Here's a quick guide to snagging last-minute tee time deals that could save you a pretty penny while offering the flexibility to play almost on a whim. Discover how you can enjoy golf more affordably and spontaneously, with tips on where to find these deals and how to make the most of them.

  • Convenience and Spontaneity: Book your game with minimal planning and enjoy golf whenever it suits you.
  • Significant Cost Savings: Find discounts ranging from 10% to 50% off regular prices, sometimes even more, by booking last-minute.
  • Less Crowded Courses: Enjoy a more relaxed game with fewer players around.
  • Where to Find Deals: Check out GolfNow, TeeOff, and Supreme Golf for some of the best last-minute discounts.
  • Booking Tips: Be flexible with your play times and locations, use multiple sites to compare deals, and consider off-peak hours for the biggest savings.

Whether you're looking to save money or enjoy a spontaneous round of golf, last-minute tee time deals offer a fantastic solution. Keep these tips in mind, and you might just find yourself playing more golf for less.

Defining Last-Minute Deals

Last-minute deals are when you book a golf game only a day or two before playing. Golf places offer these deals to fill up empty slots and get more players quickly.

Here's what you need to know about these deals:

  • You book them really close to the day you want to play.
  • You can save between 10% and 50% compared to regular prices.
  • Golf places offer them to avoid having empty slots.
  • It's a win-win: you get to play for less, and the course doesn't waste a slot.

Booking a game at the last minute can be a smart move if you suddenly find some free time.

Why Courses Offer Discounts

Golf courses cut prices last minute for a few reasons:

  • To Fill Empty Slots - If a golf course has free times close to when the game is supposed to start, they'll make those times cheaper to get people to play.
  • To Get Players During Quiet Times - They'll offer deals when fewer people are playing, like early in the morning or late in the day.
  • To Encourage Quick Decisions - These deals also catch the eye of people who didn't plan to play but decide to book a game because the price is good.

Typical Discount Ranges

How much you'll save with a last-minute deal can change, but usually, it looks like this:

  • 10-20% - Common discounts if you book the day before or on the same day.
  • 20-30% - What you might save if you book on the morning of the game.
  • 30%+ - The best deals are often just a few hours before the game starts.

Not every golf place will have a last-minute deal for every open slot, but if you check often, you might find a really good discount. The biggest savings come when you book right before the game, which is perfect for a spontaneous day of golf.

Key Benefits of Booking Last-Minute

Booking a tee time right before you want to play can give you some cool perks if you're looking to hit the golf course without much warning. Here's why snagging a last-minute golf deal is a smart move:

Significant Cost Savings

The biggest perk? You can save a lot of money. Golf courses often lower their prices a ton if the tee time is close to starting. This means you can play on nicer courses without spending as much.

Here's a quick look at the kind of discounts you might find:

  • Save 10-20% if you book the day before
  • Up to 30% off if you book the morning of
  • Half off or more if you book just before it starts

Grabbing a deal last minute is a great way to keep some cash in your pocket while still playing a round of golf.

Spontaneous Golfing Opportunities

Another cool thing about last-minute tee times is you can decide to play golf out of the blue. If it's a nice day and you're free, you can quickly book a game.

This means you don't have to plan way ahead. You can just go play when you feel like it, which is pretty awesome if you ask us.

Avoiding Crowds

Also, booking at the last minute often means the course won't be as busy. Since most people book ahead of time, you might find the course is less crowded.

This can make your game faster and more enjoyable. Plus, it's nice to have the course more to yourself.

So, if you like the idea of saving money, playing golf whenever you want, and having a quieter course, consider booking your tee times last minute. It's simple, saves you money, and lets you enjoy golf even more.

Where to Find Last-Minute Tee Time Deals

If you're looking to play golf soon and want to save some money, there are a few websites that can help you find good deals. These places let you book games at the last minute, often for a much lower price.

GolfNow Hot Deals

GolfNow Hot Deals

  • GolfNow lets you find deals at over 11,000 golf courses around the world.
  • You can save up to half off the regular price.
  • When you book these deals, you get points that can get you free golf rounds.
  • You need to book either the day before or on the day you want to play.
  • It's a good way to play on nice courses without spending a lot.


  • TeeOff is all about last-minute deals.
  • They have discounts for over 7,000 courses in the U.S.
  • You can save between 30% and 80%.
  • They don't charge extra fees for booking at the last minute.
  • It's easy to find and book a cheap tee time quickly.

Supreme Golf

Supreme Golf

  • Supreme Golf has a section just for last-minute games.
  • You can see deals at courses all over the country.
  • You can search by when you want to play, where, and how much you want to spend.
  • Discounts range from 10% to over 50% off.
  • The website is easy to use, with maps and lists to help you find deals.

These websites are great for finding good prices on golf games, even if you decide to play at the last minute. Using these discounts makes playing golf on a whim even better.


Booking Tips

Be Flexible

If you're okay with being a bit flexible about when and where you play, you might find some really good deals on tee times. Here's how:

  • Look for times to play on different days or at different hours, not just when you first wanted to. You might find more discounts this way.
  • Think about playing early in the morning or later in the day. It's usually cheaper and less crowded.
  • Don't just stick to your favorite golf courses. Try looking at others too. You might be surprised by the good deals you find.

Being open to different options means you'll have more chances to find cheap tee times.

Use Multiple Sites

Don't just stick to one website to book your game. Here's a better plan:

  • Look at different websites, like GolfNow for all kinds of bookings and TeeOff for last-minute deals.
  • Compare what you find on a few different sites to see who has the best deals.
  • Set up alerts so you get notified about deals without having to search all the time.

Checking different sites helps you find the best prices for when you want to play.

Consider Off-Peak

Playing when it's not the busiest can save you a lot of money. Here's why:

  • Early mornings and late afternoons are usually cheaper and not as crowded.
  • You can find really good deals if you book times later in the day when courses want to fill up empty slots.
  • Playing off-peak can mean saving more than 50% compared to busy times.

Choosing times when it's not so busy means you'll pay less and have a more relaxed game.

Conclusion: Take Advantage of Last-Minute Deals

Booking a golf game at the last minute is a smart way to play more and spend less. Here's a quick summary of the big pluses:

  • Save Money - You can get a discount between 10% and more than 50% if you book just a day or two before you want to play. This means you can enjoy better courses without it costing a lot.
  • Play Whenever - With last-minute tee times, you can decide to play golf anytime you suddenly find you're free. You don't need to plan ahead.
  • Less Crowded - If you book close to when you want to play, there might be fewer people on the course. This makes for a more enjoyable game.
  • Easy to Do - It's easy to find and book a game quickly on websites like GolfNow and TeeOff. This is great for people who like to keep things flexible.

To grab the best last-minute deals:

  • Look at websites like GolfNow, TeeOff, and Supreme Golf for good deals on short-notice tee times
  • Be open to playing at different times and trying new courses to find more deals
  • Set alerts so you know right away when there's a good deal

Follow these steps, and you'll be able to play golf more without spending too much. Last-minute deals make golf more doable and affordable.

What is the best app to reserve tee times?

GolfNow is a popular app for booking tee times. Here's why many golfers like it:

  • It lets you book times at over 7,000 golf courses in North America.
  • You can easily search for available times at your favorite courses.
  • You can save courses you like for faster booking next time.
  • If you're traveling, the app uses your location to find nearby courses for quick booking.
  • When you book rounds, you earn points that can get you free golf later.

GolfNow is great because it has a lot of courses to choose from, it's easy to use, and you can get rewards.

What is tee off golf?

Teeing off is the first shot you take to start a hole in golf. You usually do this by putting the ball on a small peg (a tee) and hitting it to start the game. The place where you do this is called the teeing ground. Teeing off is how you begin each hole when you're playing golf.

Does GolfNow work in Canada?

Yes, GolfNow works in Canada and the United States. Golfers in Canada can book tee times and earn points just like in the U.S. These points work at thousands of golf courses. So, if you're in Canada and love golf, GolfNow is a handy way to book your games and earn some perks.

Is GolfPass available in Canada?

Yes, GolfPass is available in Canada and the U.S. This means Canadian golfers can enjoy GolfPass benefits like free golf rounds, lessons from pros, and special content. It's a good choice for Canadians who want to play more golf and get better at it.