
Last Minute Tee Times: A Guide
⦁ 9 min read
Brooke Brooke

Last Minute Tee Times: A Guide

Looking to score a last-minute tee time? Here's your quick guide:

  • Leverage Technology: Use online booking platforms and apps to find open slots in real-time.
  • Be Flexible: Adjust your schedule and preferences to increase your chances.
  • Use Alerts and Instant Booking: Set up alerts on sites like Guarantee Time and use instant booking features to grab spots quickly.
  • Explore Less Popular Courses: Don't overlook newer or less talked-about courses which may have more availability.
  • Keep an Eye on Cancellations: Sometimes calling the course directly can reveal unlisted openings.
  • Look for Deals: Last-minute times can sometimes come with discounts, especially for late-afternoon rounds.

This guide aims to simplify the process of finding a game of golf at the last minute, focusing on practical strategies and tips to enhance your chances of hitting the green without the need for extensive planning.

Defining Last-Minute Tee Times

  • Last-minute tee times mean booking a game for the next day or even the same day.
  • They're great for when the weather is nice suddenly, or if your plans change and you want to play golf without having booked in advance.
  • The downside is these spots are hard to come by.
  • Golf courses have a few of these last-minute spots open for when people cancel or don't book at all. But lots of people want them, so they go fast.

Why Are They So Popular?

People love last-minute golf games for a few reasons:

  • Flexibility - You can decide to play based on the weather or if you just feel like playing, without having planned ahead.
  • Spontaneity - It's fun to see if you can find an open spot at the last minute. It adds a bit of a challenge.
  • Getting the best times - These last-minute spots often are at the best times to play, like early morning or late afternoon.
  • Good for visitors - If you're visiting from out of town and want to play at a famous course, these last-minute times can be your best bet since they fill up fast.

Even though it's not always easy to get these spots, people keep trying because they like the freedom and the fun of finding a game last minute.

The Role of Technology

Technology has really changed the game for golfers looking to book tee times at the last minute. Now, with websites and apps, you can see which golf courses have open slots right away. This means you can quickly grab a spot if someone cancels or if there’s a slot nobody has taken yet.

Online Booking Platforms

Websites like Guarantee Time show you what’s available at different courses. They make it easy to:

  • Look up times by when you want to play, where, and how much you want to spend
  • See what slots are open and book one
  • Often, you can cancel without a fee

These websites pull together info from lots of courses, so you have a better chance of finding a last-minute tee time. It’s really handy to be able to see everything in one place when you’re trying to book for the same day or the next day.

Smartphone Apps

Besides websites, there are also mobile apps. These do all the same things but since you can use them anywhere, they’re even better for quick bookings. Here’s why apps are great:

  • They tell you right away when new times are available
  • You can book a spot fast, before it’s gone
  • You can use them no matter where you are, which is super useful for last-minute plans

Since tee times get updated all the time as people cancel or change their plans, apps let you jump on new openings right away. This makes it a lot easier to get a spot at the last minute.

Thanks to all this tech, finding a game of golf at the last minute isn’t as hard as it used to be. With just a few clicks, you could be all set for your next round.

Strategies for Booking Last-Minute Tee Times

Finding a tee time at the last minute can be a bit of a challenge, but here are some tips to make it easier.

Use Online Booking Platforms

Start with websites like Guarantee Time to see what's available. These sites show you when and where you can play golf at the last minute.

  • Turn on alerts to get a heads-up when new times become available.
  • Keep checking these sites because new openings can pop up anytime.
  • Use filters to find times and places that work for you.

These websites help you see all your options in one spot.

Leverage Memberships & Relationships

If you're part of a golf club or group, use that to your advantage.

  • Some clubs let members book times before anyone else.
  • Get to know the people who work at the club. They might tip you off about open times.

Knowing the right people can help you get into popular or exclusive courses.

Check for Cancellations

Sometimes, calling the golf course directly can uncover hidden openings.

  • There might be times available that aren't listed online yet.
  • Ask if you can be put on a list to be called when someone cancels.
  • Look for times that aren't as popular, like later in the day.

A quick phone call might get you a spot that wasn't advertised.

Consider Lesser-Known Courses

Don't just stick to the big-name courses. Try places that might not be as well-known.

  • Check out newer or less popular courses.
  • Look at courses that are a bit further away.
  • Try places that don't get talked about much.

You might find a great spot that's easier to get into.

Watch for Last-Minute Deals

If you're okay with waiting until the last second, you can find some great deals.

  • Keep an eye on course websites and social media for special offers.
  • There might be discounts for booking at the last minute.
  • Be ready to go at a moment's notice.

Waiting until the last minute can save you money and still get you a game.


Tips for Using Guarantee Time

Set Availability Alerts

Guarantee Time lets you set up alerts so you know right away when there are new last-minute tee times that fit what you're looking for. Here's what to do:

  • Go to the Alerts section in your account settings.
  • Put in the details like when you want to play, where, and any other preferences.
  • Choose how you want to be alerted: email, text, or a notification on your phone.
  • Now, when a new tee time pops up that matches your criteria, you'll get a message right away.

By setting up these alerts, you'll always be in the know and can quickly grab a tee time that you want before someone else does.

Leverage Instant Booking

Guarantee Time has a feature that lets you book available last-minute tee times fast, without any waiting:

  • Find a tee time you like and hit the Instant Book button.
  • If it's still free, it's yours right then and there.
  • You don't need to wait for someone to say it's okay; you've got it booked.

With instant booking, you don't have to worry about missing out while you're waiting for confirmation. You see a time you like, you book it, and it's yours. Keep an eye on Guarantee Time for new times and use instant booking to snap them up quickly.


Finding a last-minute tee time might seem hard, but if you know what to do, you can definitely find one. Here's a quick review of the main points:

Leverage Technology to Your Advantage

Use websites and apps to see which golf courses have spots open right now. They let you:

  • Get alerts when new tee times are available
  • Book a spot quickly with features like instant booking

Be Flexible and Persistent

Be open to playing on different days, times, or at different places. Keep looking because new spots show up all the time.

Focus on Hidden Gems

Try courses that aren't as famous. They might have more open spots. Talking directly to the courses can also help find times that aren't listed online.

Have a Game Plan

Know how you're going to find and book a tee time quickly. When you see a good time, be ready to grab it.

Even though you can't always get the tee time you want, using these tips can really help. By being open and keeping at it, you'll have a much better chance of getting to play golf when you want.

What to do if you're late for a tee time?

If you show up late to your tee time, you have up to five minutes to start playing without getting into trouble. If you're more than five minutes late, unfortunately, you can't play and are disqualified. In match play, being late means you lose the first hole.

How can I save money on tee times?

Booking your game for late in the afternoon, usually after 2:00 p.m., can save you some money. The downside is you might not finish all 18 holes, so play quickly to get through as many as you can.

How many minutes before tee time?

It's best to arrive early, about 20 to 30 minutes before your scheduled start. This gives you enough time to get ready and not rush.

What happens if you miss your tee time on the PGA Tour?

According to Rule 6-3, if a player is ready to play within 5 minutes after their start time, the penalty is losing the first hole in match play or getting a 2-stroke penalty at the first hole in stroke play.