
Tee times around me: Top Apps Reviewed
⦁ 18 min read
Brooke Brooke

Tee times around me: Top Apps Reviewed

Looking for the best apps to book golf tee times near you? We've got you covered with a comprehensive review of top apps that make finding and booking tee times a breeze. Whether you're a busy golfer seeking convenience or just want to easily plan your next game, these apps offer a range of features to enhance your golfing experience.

  • GolfNow: Offers easy booking, a wide selection of over 7,000 courses, quick confirmations, and special perks like deals and a rewards program.
  • 18Birdies: Provides playing tips, social features, easy booking through GolfNow, and info on over 40,000 courses worldwide.
  • Golf GPS SwingU: Features easy tee time finding, swing tips, 3D course views, and a rangefinder, covering over 40,000 courses globally.
  • mScorecard: Great for keeping score and tracking stats, compatible with Apple Watch, and knows over 100,000 courses.
  • USGA Official Rules of Golf: Ideal for learning golf rules with an interactive guide, but doesn’t offer booking or course finding.

Quick Comparison

App Pros Cons
GolfNow - Straightforward booking
- Over 7,000 courses
- Quick confirmations
- Rewards and deals
- Occasional bugs
- Some customer service complaints
18Birdies - Game improvement tips
- Social community features
- Easy booking
- Premium version can be pricey
- GPS accuracy issues
Golf GPS SwingU - Comprehensive features like rangefinder
- 3D views
- Over 40,000 courses
- Cluttered interface
- Premium features require payment
mScorecard - Tracks scores and stats efficiently
- Apple Watch compatibility
- Doesn’t assist with tee time bookings
USGA Official Rules of Golf - Detailed rules guide with visuals - No booking or course searching capabilities

Choose the app that best fits your needs, whether it's for easy booking, game improvement, or score tracking.

What We Looked At

Here are the key things we checked in each app:

  • User Interface: Is the app easy to use? Can you find what you need without getting frustrated?
  • Range of Courses: Can you book times at lots of different golf courses, or just a few?
  • Booking Ease: Is it easy to book a tee time? Do you get a confirmation quickly?
  • Exclusive Features: Does the app have cool extras that others don't?
  • User Reviews: What do other people think about the app? We looked at ratings and comments to get a sense.

How We Tested

To make sure we knew what we were talking about, we:

  • Used each app ourselves to see how they work.
  • Tried to book tee times at several local courses to see how many options there were and how easy it was.
  • Looked for any special features that set each app apart from the rest.
  • Read what other users had to say in the app stores to see if most people liked the app or not.

By doing all this, we could compare the apps fairly, using the same rules for each. We then put together a list that shows which apps are the best overall and in specific areas, like ease of use or the best features. This way, golfers can get a clear idea of their best options for booking tee times.

Top Tee Time Booking Apps Reviewed

1. USGA Official Rules of Golf

User Interface

The USGA Official Rules of Golf app is straightforward and easy to use. When you open it, you see the main parts listed: Play, Learn, Ask, and More. Clicking on these shows you different things, like the whole rules book under Play, with a search box to help you find what you need fast. The app looks clean, with big text and symbols that make it simple to get around.

Range of Courses

Since this app is all about the rules of golf and doesn't help you book tee times or find courses, it doesn't cover any golf courses. It's meant to be a go-to for understanding golf rules.

Booking Ease

This app doesn't let you book tee times. It's designed to be a digital version of the golf rules book.

Exclusive Features

What makes this app special is its interactive rules book that includes videos and pictures. You can look up rules quickly and see examples of how they're applied. It even has quizzes to test your knowledge on the rules.

User Reviews

People really like the USGA Official Rules of Golf app, giving it a 4.8 out of 5 stars on the App Store from around 4,000 reviews. Users say it's great for easy navigation and understanding the rules clearly, especially handy during a game to solve any rule disputes. The few negative comments are about small glitches in the app.

2. mScorecard

User Interface

mScorecard is super easy to use. It shows your recent golf games and stats like how many times you hit the fairway or got the ball on the green. If you want to add scores, it's just a few taps away. The app keeps things simple, so you don't get lost trying to use it.

Range of Courses

mScorecard doesn't tie you to specific golf courses. It lets you track scores on any course by adding it yourself. Just put in the course details, and you're set. The app already knows about over 100,000 courses, so it's likely yours is in there too.

Booking Ease

mScorecard isn't for booking tee times. It's all about keeping score. If you need to book a tee time, you should look at apps made for that, like GolfNow. But mScorecard is great for keeping track of your game once you're on the course.

Exclusive Features

mScorecard has some cool features:

  • Apple Watch app: Scoring is even easier with its Apple Watch app.
  • Statistics tracking: See how you're doing with stats like how often you hit the fairway or the green.
  • GPS distances: Find out how far you are from the green to make better shots.
  • Sharing: You can share your scores with friends through text, email, or social media. You can even use it for your handicap index.

User Reviews

People really like mScorecard. It has a high rating on the App Store, with users saying it's easy to use and great for tracking scores and stats. They especially like the Apple Watch app and how you can share scores with friends.

3. Golf GPS SwingU

User Interface

The Golf GPS SwingU app is pretty straightforward but can feel a bit packed at times. It's got a main menu that leads you to all the important stuff like finding tee times, looking at golf courses, and checking your profile. The text and pictures are clear, so you won't get lost. But sometimes, it feels like there's too much on one screen or you have to tap a button more than once to get it to work. It does the job but could be smoother.

Range of Courses

With Golf GPS SwingU, you can find over 40,000 golf courses worldwide. It's easy to see courses close by or look up specific ones to see how far you are from the hole or to keep score. Most courses are available to everyone, but about 1,000 of them need a paid membership for extra features. For most people who just play golf for fun, the free version is enough.

Booking Ease

Booking tee times with this app is easy. You can look up available times by when you want to play, how many people are playing, and where. It shows you options, prices, and course details. Picking and booking your time is quick, and you get a confirmation right away, so you know your tee time is set.

Exclusive Features

Golf GPS SwingU has some cool things that make it stand out:

  • 3D flyovers: See a detailed view of each hole before you play to plan your game better.
  • Swing analysis: You can send in videos of your swing and get tips from pros.
  • Rangefinder: Use your phone to figure out how far you are from different points on the course.
  • News feed: Keep up with the latest golf news.

User Reviews

People really like the Golf GPS SwingU app. It gets a 4.6 out of 5 stars from users. They say it's a great all-in-one app for golf. It offers a lot for free, and you can pay for more features if you want. Some users have mentioned problems with certain features not working right. But overall, most find it very useful for planning games and getting better at golf.

4. 18Birdies

User Interface

18Birdies is easy to use and looks nice. When you open it, you see your golf rounds and buttons for things like keeping score and checking how far you are from the hole. There's a menu for more options like booking tee times and news. Everything is big and clear, so you can find what you need fast. It might take a little time to learn where everything is, but it's not hard.

Range of Courses

This app lets you look at over 40,000 golf courses all over the world. You can search for courses near you or type in the name of a course to find it. The app has lots of details about courses, like the layout and how far it is to the hole. But, if you don't pay for the app, you can't see everything about some private clubs.

Booking Ease

Booking tee times is simple with 18Birdies. It works with GolfNow, so you just tap the tee time button, put in when and where you want to play, and see what times you can book. You can book and pay right there and get a confirmation right away. It's much easier than calling or using a website.

Exclusive Features

Here are some cool things about 18Birdies:

  • Caddie advice - It gives you tips on what club to use while you're playing.
  • Social community - You can make games with friends, share scores, and have contests.
  • Swing Profile - You can check how good your swing is by uploading a video.
  • Apple Watch app - Keep score and get distances and tips right from your watch.

User Reviews

People give 18Birdies a 4.7 out of 5 on the App Store, with over 5,000 reviews. They like how much the app does and how it's designed. Some think the full version is a bit pricey but the free version is still really good. The main complaints are about the app sometimes not working right or the GPS being off.

5. GolfNow

User Interface

GolfNow's app is straightforward and easy to look at. When you open it, you see available tee times and discounts near you. It also has a search option to find specific golf courses easily.

The design is simple with big pictures and text, making it user-friendly. It's very straightforward, which is great for people new to using such apps.

Range of Courses

GolfNow lets you choose from over 7,000 golf courses in the U.S., and it's adding more all the time. This includes both public and private clubs. You can also find courses in other countries like Canada and Ireland.

You'll probably find tee times at places you like to play, but some very exclusive clubs might not be on there.

Booking Ease

Booking a tee time with GolfNow is really easy. You just pick a course, choose a time, put in your details, and pay. You get a confirmation right away, so you know your spot is secure.

The app also keeps your info for next time, making it even quicker to book. And if you have to cancel, you can use your refund or points for your next booking.

Exclusive Features

Here are a couple of things that make GolfNow special:

  • Last minute deals: You can find deals for tee times right on the main page.
  • Rewards program: You get points when you book, which you can use later to save money.
  • GolfPass bundle: For $99 a year, you get some nice extras like no booking fees, a free round of golf each month, and more.

User Reviews

GolfNow has a lot of reviews on the App Store, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. People like the selection of courses and how easy it is to book. Some complaints are about technical problems, extra fees, and trouble with customer service.

Pros and Cons

Let's break down the good and bad points of the top apps for booking tee times:

App Pros Cons
USGA Official Rules of Golf - Easy to understand rules with videos/pictures
- Fun quizzes on rules
- Simple to use
- Can't book tee times or find courses
- Minor bugs reported
mScorecard - Keeps scores easily
- Works with Apple Watch
- Lets you share scores
- Knows over 100,000 courses
- Doesn't help with booking tee times
Golf GPS SwingU - Easy to find a tee time
- Has a rangefinder and tips for your swing
- Shows courses in 3D
- Over 40,000 courses available
- Cluttered look
- Some best features require payment
- A few glitches mentioned
18Birdies - Offers tips while playing
- Lets you connect with other golfers
- Easy tee time booking with GolfNow
- Info on over 40,000 courses
- Premium version is pricey
- GPS isn't always right
GolfNow - Booking is straightforward
- Quick confirmations
- Over 7,000 courses
- Points for bookings
- Deals available
- Sometimes has bugs
- Extra charges
- Some complaints about customer service

USGA Official Rules of Golf is great for learning golf rules with its interactive guide. But, it doesn't let you book tee times or look up courses.

mScorecard is super for keeping track of your game and sharing it. It also syncs with your Apple Watch. But for booking a tee time, you'll need another app.

Golf GPS SwingU is packed with features like swing tips, a rangefinder, and course previews in 3D. Booking tee times is easy. However, its crowded interface and the need to pay for some features can be drawbacks.

18Birdies shines with its playing tips, social features, and golf swing analysis. Booking tee times through GolfNow is also smooth. But its GPS can be off, and some think it's a bit expensive.

GolfNow is the go-to for an easy booking experience and quick confirmations. It has a wide selection of courses and offers special deals. But, there are occasional technical glitches and some service issues.

In short, GolfNow is the top pick for hassle-free booking. 18Birdies is your friend for extra golf fun and tips. And SwingU helps you up your game. Each app has its own set of pros and cons to think about.


Comparative Analysis

When we look at the best apps for booking golf tee times, a few important things stand out. Here's a simple breakdown to help you pick the right one for you:

Ease of use

  • GolfNow and 18Birdies are super easy to use, making it quick to book your next game. mScorecard is also straightforward, especially for keeping track of your scores.
  • Golf GPS SwingU can be a bit too busy at times, but it still does what you need it to.

Range of courses

  • GolfNow lets you choose from over 7,000 courses in the U.S., and it's always adding more.
  • 18Birdies and Golf GPS SwingU show you more than 40,000 courses around the world.
  • mScorecard has information on over 100,000 courses, and you can add any that are missing.

Special features

  • 18Birdies offers cool stuff like tips for your game, a way to connect with other players, advice on your swing, and an app for your Apple Watch.
  • Golf GPS SwingU has neat features like 3D views of each hole, help with your swing, and a tool to measure distance.
  • GolfNow gives you deals, a rewards program, and a special package called GolfPass.

Booking reliability

  • GolfNow and 18Birdies make it easy and reliable to book tee times, with quick confirmations.
  • Golf GPS SwingU also lets you book easily, but you might need to pay for some extra features.


  • mScorecard and the basic versions of GolfNow and Golf GPS SwingU are free.
  • 18Birdies and the premium versions of other apps have a fee.

In short, GolfNow is the best choice for easy booking and good deals on lots of courses. 18Birdies is great if you want extra features to help with your golf game, on top of booking tee times. Golf GPS SwingU is good for improving your game with its special tools. And if you just need to keep score, mScorecard is all you need. Choose the one that fits what you're looking for in a golf app.


When we look at the apps for booking golf tee times, GolfNow really stands out for a few big reasons.

Ease of use

GolfNow is super easy to use. It lets you quickly see which golf courses have tee times available near you, pick the one you like, pay, and get a confirmation right away. This makes the whole process smooth and easy.

Broad course selection

GolfNow has over 7,000 courses in the U.S. and more in other countries. This means you have a lot of choices, from private clubs to public courses, making it easier to find a tee time that fits what you're looking for.

Reliable booking

With GolfNow, when you book a tee time, you know it's set. You don't have to worry about it not being confirmed. This is great because you won't miss out on the best times to play, like early mornings on weekends.

Special perks

GolfNow also offers some cool extras. You can find deals on tee times, earn points for booking, and get other benefits like no booking fees and a free round of golf each month with their GolfPass bundle. These extras make using GolfNow even better.

GolfNow makes booking golf tee times really easy and gives you a lot of options. Plus, it's reliable and comes with some nice bonuses. For most golfers, it's the best choice for setting up your next game.

What is the best app for finding golf tee times?

GolfNow is seen as the top app for easily looking up and booking times to play golf. It lists over 7,000 places to play and makes the booking process quick, giving you a confirmation right away. Here's why people like it:

  • A big list of golf courses in the U.S.
  • Fast and sure booking confirmations
  • Deals and points for booking
  • Extra perks like no booking fees and a free game each month with GolfPass

Its ease of use, lots of course choices, and reliability put GolfNow at the top.

What is the number one golf app?

Golfshot is often rated as the best golf app overall. It packs a lot of helpful golf tools in one spot. Here's what it offers:

  • GPS views and details of golf courses
  • Keeping scores with stats and tracking shots
  • A tool to measure your shots
  • News, advice from pros, and connecting with friends

With its great GPS features, score tracking, 3D views of courses, and more, Golfshot stands out as a leading app.

What is the golf app that gives you discounts?

GolfNow is the best app for getting discounts on tee times. It shows special offers and rates in the app when you're booking. You also get:

  • Points for bookings, which save you money later
  • A yearly GolfPass that includes things like no booking fees and a free game each month

GolfNow helps you find lower prices and deals when booking your golf games.

Is Hole19 a free app?

Yes, Hole19 is a free app for phones and tablets, with some paid features if you want more. The free version includes:

  • GPS details and views of courses
  • Scorekeeping with stats
  • Works with Apple Watch
  • News, tips, and connecting with friends

Hole19 lets you use a lot of its features for free, with the option to buy more if you like.